Welcome to IDS@UL!

IDS@UL includes people with diverse backgrounds and abilities:

  • 6 disciplines at UL (and growing)
  • 3 Irish universities (UL, MIC, TCD)
  • service organisations (Daughters of Charity, Limerick, Brothers of Charity and St Joseph’s Foundation, Charleville)
  • Over 20 self-advocates from the Research Active Programme
  • We have links with the Inclusive Research Network – a national group of self-advocates with intellectual disabilities who have completed several research projects.

Our Aims:

  1. To advance the rights of people with intellectual disabilities
  2. To work in a manner that recognises the individuality of each person, their family members, carers and allies
  3. To create a forum for promoting social inclusion and citizenship
  4. To respectfully engage people with intellectual disability within inclusive research
  5. To support and further develop the research capacities of everyone in IDS@UL

IDS@UL research partners includes people with quantitative, qualitative, participatory action, and inclusive research experience. We have the combined expertise to address a full array of research questions, specifically those related to how assistive technologies can enable equitable access to community living, social inclusion, healthcare, education and employment.

Marie Curie EU

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